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Shon Jenkins

Personal Blog Website | Be Sure To Check Out My Website & Blog
My name is Shon and I'm an affiliate marketer who likes the idea of a partnership between a website publisher or sales organization advertiser.
This revenue-sharing model allows everyone to benefit based on the number of clicks, registrations, and transactions that occur on their website.
We are the bridge between companies and customers to help drive sales revenue and make money! Lets all work together and help everyone! | Terry Till

Personal Blog Website Facebook Twitter
| Hi everyone. I have been an online marketer since 2000 when I first got interested in computers and trying to make a living off the internet. Back in those days there were many sites where you could earn a few dollars for reading emails etc and it was really exciting. Things have moved on a lot and I have made my online living for many years now with affiliate marketing. I love to help new people to the online world make a living from this fantastic global opportunity. |

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